



賽門.葛林(Simon R. Green)


  葛林擅長機鋒銳利的對話及血脈賁張的動作戲,主要作品包括科幻背景的冒險小說Deathstalker系列,以及創意十足的奇幻冒險系列Hawk & Fisher等等。夜城系列(The Nightside series)是他最新的系列作品,結合了冷硬推理和都會奇幻的元素,創下新的口碑與佳績。本系列預計六部完結,每一本的故事/案件獨立,已有好萊塢編劇與派拉蒙洽談電影版權事宜。《編年史雜誌》 (Chronicle)讚揚他的這套書「成功地突破了當代主流的中世紀奇幻風格。」「書籍瀏覽人網站」 (BookBrowser) 更直接稱他是當代都會奇幻故事的絕佳作品。

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Daniel Bedingfield / Gotta Get Thru This

丹尼爾,出生於紐西蘭,3個月大的時候舉家遷居英國倫敦,6歲時開始創作歌曲、9歲起和朋友一同在街頭表演;之後他還和兩個妹妹Natasha和 Nicola組成樂團,巡迴全歐演唱。丹尼爾亦是個出色的網頁設計師,不過一年只工作18個星期的他,其他的時間都全心投入追尋音樂的夢想與旅行。 "Gotta Get Thru This"就是他決定向旅程中結識的女孩告白時靈光乍現的創作。這首歌曲不僅順利贏得芳心、被英國garage大師EZ選入「Pure Garage 4」選輯之中,最後更登上全英排行冠軍!音樂大廠Polydor的A&R經理Simon Gavin看到了他在知名電視節目Top Of The Pops現場演唱此曲的精湛演出,立即決定簽下丹尼爾。

多年來早就累積豐富詞曲創作的他,花了半年的時間就完成了個人初試啼聲首航專輯【Gotta Get Thru This/愛情體驗】;丹尼爾笑著提到他生命中的四個女人啟發了這張專輯。充滿靈魂韻味的輕快流行曲"He Don’t Love You"、熱力四射R&B曲"James Dean (I Wanna Know)"、充滿情緒感染力副歌的drum ’n’ bass佳作"Friday"、展現丹尼爾滑順性感嗓音的抒情極品"If You’re Not The One"、"Without The Girl"…在在證明了丹尼爾絕佳的音樂才華,而好歌並非一曲難求。


Paula Cole / Postcards From East Oceanside:Greatest Hits

出道已逾十年的寶拉寇爾,集結歷年完整暢銷單曲而成的首張精選特輯,包括:見識寶拉收放自若、真假音巧妙轉換一鳴驚人成名作"I Am So Ordinary";分佔流行榜Top 8、現代搖滾榜No. 32、舞曲榜Top10及成人抒情榜No. 4決定作"Where Have All The Cowboys Gone";引起台灣樂迷超高詢問,替賣座電影【X情人】演唱廣告宣傳配曲同為美國電視青春影片【戀愛世代】(Dawson’s Creek)重點襯樂"I Don’t Want To Wait",登錄全美成人抒情榜冠軍及流行單曲Top11;「Amen」專輯最受歡迎主攻曲"I Believe In Love";與英國創作怪傑Peter Gabriel動人合唱推薦小品"Hush, Hush, Hush";凱文史貝西主演電影【熱天午夜之慾望地帶】中翻唱爵士名曲"Autumn Leaves",交由大導演克林伊斯威特製作;外加兩首從未發行單曲"Tomorrow I Will Be Yours"以及"Postcard From East Oceanside",舒緩動人、弦樂編曲配置,體會寶拉最真摯動人演唱情懷。

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I'm afraid of the dark,
'specially when I'm in a park
And there's no-one else around,
Ooh, i get the shivers

I don't want to see a ghost,
it's a sight that I fear most
I'd rather have a piece of toast and
watch the evening news

[ Life, oh life, oh life, oh life, doo,
doot doot dooo. Life, oh life, oh life,
oh life, doo, doot dooo ]

I'm a superstitious girl,
I'm the worst in the world
Never walk under ladders,
I keep a rabbit's tail
I'll take you up on a dare, anytime, anywhere
Name the place, I'll be there, bungee jumping,
I don't care!

Repeat []

So after all is said and done
I know I'm not the only one
Life indeed can be fun, if you really want to
Sometimes living out your dreams,
Ain't as easy as it seems
You wanna fly around the world,
In a beautiful balloon

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB' http://so61.com/

先是於1992年以“Mind Adventure”專輯中一首 主題看似大膽的單曲「Feel So High」,震驚英國樂壇,接著又於1995年以“I Ain't Moving” 中唱作俱佳的「 You Gotta Be 」一曲勇奪全美 排行Top 5,引起全球樂迷矚目的英國女歌手Des'ree ,其低沉且神祕的嗓音,有著特殊的溫柔魔力足 以撫慰或撼動樂迷的心,無怪乎凡是看過電影“ 羅蜜歐與茱麗葉”的影迷或樂迷,都會為她所演唱的那首「I'm Kissing You」而感動不已。

此輯是Des'ree三年來的首張全新作品,專輯中共收錄12首新作。首支單曲「Life」是在深田恭 子主演日劇「To Heart世紀末戀愛預言」中的插 曲,綻現輕盈的都會風情,是首令人一聽就會愛 上的輕爵士流行佳作;Des'ree略帶慵懶感的嗓音,舒服地鋪展出全曲絲緞般的柔滑感受。

而之前她為電影“羅密歐與茱麗葉”所演唱的動 人抒情歌曲「I'm Kissing You」亦收錄本專輯 中;Gospel式的曲調架構,將Des'ree精湛的唱 功淋漓盡致地展現無遺;優雅歌聲穿梭在粼粼吉 他彈撥間的「Indigo Daisies」,則以詞曲搭築出朦朧的詩意美境。

整張專輯反映出成長於Duke Ellington、Stevie Wonder和Bob Marley等人音樂中的Des'ree在音樂創作及演唱方面所受之影響,因此爵士、流行 、雷鬼、靈魂、福音....等等各類元素,都潛伏 在專輯裡的每一個角落。Des'ree的歌聲本身就是天賦的精緻雕琢,聆聽本張專輯更是一次酣暢 的心靈饗宴。

另外推薦:You Gotta Be,也相當好聽

You gotta be

Listen as your day unfolds,
challenge what your future holds
Try to keep your head up to the sky
Lovers they may cause you tears
Go ahead release your fears
Stand up and be counted,
don't be shamed to cry
You gotta be..

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold,
you gotta be wiser
You gotta hard, you gotta be tough,
you gotta be stronger
You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm,
you gotta stay together.
All I know, all I know
Love will save the day

Herald what your mother said
Read the books your father read
Try to solve the puzzle
in your own sweet time
Some may have more cash than you
Others take a different view
My oh my, you gotta be..

Time asks no questions, it goes on without you
Leaving you behind if you can't stand the pace
The world keeps on spinning, can't stop it if you tried to
The best part is danger staring you in the face

Got to be bad. Got to be bold
Got to be wise. Don't ever be cold
Got to be hard. Not too, too hard
All I know is, love will save the day

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB' http://so61.com/

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作詞:姚謙 作曲:李偉菘 編曲:Adam Lee

*微笑怎樣 才自然
 人生還有 許多課要上
 愛了 不怕受傷
 散了 不怕回頭 張望

多想因為愛展開了溫柔的力量 飛到生命中最美最好的地方
人們只在戀愛時光 會長出了一雙翅膀 可能受點傷也值得飛翔
直到離開了愛還有那溫柔的力量 學習原諒了自己也原諒了對方
愛過重新回到孤單 需要多少時間力量 才能回到可以出發的路上

Repeat *

#妳想再為愛展開了溫柔的力量 飛到生命中最美最好的地方
 人們只在戀愛時光 會長出了一雙翅膀 可能受點傷也值得飛翔
 如果離開了愛還有那溫柔的力量 妳會原諒了自己也原諒了對方
 愛過重新回到孤單 我知道你還有力量 可以回到面對愛情的路上

妳 還敢愛嗎
妳 釋放自己了嗎

Repeat #

★☆歌詞轉載自『六一歌詞庫』  http://so61.com/

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Foolish Games

You took your coat off and stood in the rain,
You were always crazy like that
I watched from my window,
always felt I was outside looking in on you
You were always the mysterious one
with dark eyes and careless hair,
You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
Then you stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
besides some comment on the weather
Well in case you failed to notice,
In case you failed to see,
This is my heart bleeding before you,
This is me down on my knees

These foolish games are tearing me apart
You thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart

You were always brilliant in the morning
Smoking your cigarettes, talking over coffee
You philosophies on art, Baroque moved you,
You loved Mozart and you'd speak of your loved ones
As I clumsily strummed my guitar
You'd teach me of honest things
Things that were daring, things that were clean
Things that knew what an honest dollar did mean
So I hid my soiled hands behind my back
Somewhere along the line I must've gone off track with you
Excuse me, think I've mistaken you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn,
Somebody more like myself

These foolish games are tearing me apart
You thoughtless words are breaking my heart
You're breaking my heart

You took off your coat and stood in the rain
you were always crazy like that

#### CITE FROM 'so61 lyrics DB' http://so61.com/

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What You're Made Of--- Lucie Silvas

Just like I predicted, We're at the point of no return
We can go backwards, and no corners have been turned.
I can't control it, if I sink or if I swim
'cause I chose the water that I'm in.

And it makes no difference who is right or wrong
I deserve much more than this
'Cause there's only one thing I want

If it's not what you're made of
You're not what I'm looking for
You where willing but unable to give me anymore
There's no way, You're changing, cause somethings will just never be mine,
You're not love this time ... but it's allright.

I hear you talking, but your words don't mean a thing.
I doubt you ever put your heart into anything.
It's not much to ask for, to get back what I put in,
But I chose the waters that I'm in.

And it makes no difference who is right or wrong
I deserve much more than this
'Cause there's only one thing I want

If it's not what you're made of
You're not what I'm looking for
You where willing but unable to give me anymore
There's no way, You're changing, cause somethings will just never be mine
You're not love this time ... but it's allright.

What's your definition of the one
What you really want him to become?
No matter what I sacrifice it's still never enough

Just like I predicted
I will sink before I swim
'cause these are the waters that I'm in

If it's not what you're made of
You're not what I'm looking for
You where willing but unable to give me anymore
There's no way, You're changing, cause somethings will just never be mine
You're not love this time
You're not love this time
You're not love this time ...

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