
這首歌曲真是好聽,Paula Cole/I Don't Want To Wait。



1996年以專輯「This Fire」一舉成天下知的才女歌手寶拉寇爾(Paula Cole), 不但以此張專輯中連連推出的暢銷歌曲像是全美Top 10、節奏鮮活、演唱技巧高超的成名曲Where Have All The Cowboys Gone、為票房冠軍電影「X情人」選做插曲的排行深情作I Don't Want To Wait等等,讓樂迷及樂評對這位年紀輕輕,唱腔及創作風格卻十分醇熟的潛力新秀刮目相看,而1997年葛萊美獎「年度最佳新人獎」的黃袍加身,以及至今「This Fire」專輯所創下的雙白金(超過兩百萬張)專輯銷售紀錄,和全美專輯榜亞軍的傲人成績,在在證明了Paula Cole雅俗共賞的堅強實力。

90年代在男性占據整個搖滾領域中殺出一組組「Female-Fronted Band」代表以及創作才女代表,贏得全球讚賞的艾拉妮絲莫莉塞特、珠兒、多莉艾莫絲、雪瑞兒可若、麗莎洛普、莎拉克勞克蘭以及今天的女主角寶拉寇爾…. 等人,無不為90年代搖滾妝點上個性女力象徵,讓我們聽到更多美麗音符。

出生美國麻州的寶拉寇爾,母親是一個視覺藝術家,父親則是昆蟲學家、愛好Polka樂種,並積極鼓勵寶拉在音樂方面發展。順利進入柏克萊音樂學院就讀,研習爵士演唱和鋼琴作曲,同時參與爵士表演。1994年得到Imago公司賞識,出版充滿自傳色彩處女之作「Harbinger」,引起各界不小讚譽。1996年改投效華納音樂集團推出第二張專輯「This Fire」,單曲"Where Have All The Cowboys Gone"進入流行榜Top8,獲得全球樂迷掌聲好評,隔年出席莎拉克勞克蘭創辦第一屆Lilith Fair音樂節,1998年贏取葛萊美「最佳新人」獎與「年度專輯」、「年度流行專輯」、「年度歌曲」、「年度唱片」、「最佳流行女歌手」及「年度製作人」的提名。1999年以Paula Cole Band之名發行「Amen」大碟,主攻單曲"I Believe In Love"經過DJ混音後,攀上舞曲榜Top18位置。

I Don't Want To Wait

* So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for I
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the peace in every (I /eye)

She had two babies
One was six months one was three
In the war of '44
Every telephone ring
Every heartbeat stinging
When she thought it was God calling her
Oh would her son grow to know his father

** I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right know
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

He showed up all wet
On the rainy front step
Wearing shrapnel in his skin
And the war he saw
Lives inside him still
It's so hard to be gentle and warm
The years passed by and now
He has granddaughters

[Repeat **]

Oh so you look at me
From across the room
You're wearing your anguish again
Believe me, I know the feeling
It s**ks you into the jaws of anger
Oh, so dig a little more deeply into my life
All we have is the very moment
And I don't want to do what
His father and his father and his father did
I want to be here now

初次編輯:2005-12-31 03:23:58

    創作者 scottelse 的頭像


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